
Past Meditation Research Has Been Terribly Flawed

Past Meditation Research Has Been Terribly Flawed Meditation Research is terribly flawed? Seriously? What gives you the right to say that Cody Rall MD?

Ummmm. Because a book called "Altered Traits" told me! And it was written by two of the most advanced researchers in the world when it comes to meditation and neuroscience (Daniel Goleman and Richard J. Davidson).

For one, there are a variety of meditative techniques that have different effects on brain circuitry. Also, past research did not do a good job of determining lifetime hours of meditative practice, which can have a large effect on findings.

Stay tuned for a discussion on how advanced meditators have literally reshaped their brain over time through neuroplasticity.

***Want to do neurofeedback meditation training with Dr. Cody?? Head to***

Daniel Goleman,Richard J. Davidson,Altered Traits,Neurofeedback,Personal EEG Devices,Muse Headband,Muse 2,Interaxon,Emotiv,Neuroscience,Meditation,Emotiv Insight,Emotiv Epoch,Neurosky,Mindwave,Brain Link,Brain Link Lite,Brain Link Pro,Headspace,Mindwave Mobile,Omnifit Brain,Brain Computer Interface,Mary Lou Jepsen,Peter Diamandis,Steven Kotler,Myndlift,Techforpsych,Magneteoencephalopgraphy,fMRI,SPECT,MEB,Brain Connectomics,Machine Learning,Innovation,

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