
become a skinny legend subliminal - extremely powerful (READ DESCRIPTION);

become a skinny legend subliminal - extremely powerful (READ DESCRIPTION); *PLEASE READ*

- this sub is extremely powerful, and i suggest listening to it maybe for maybe 15-20 times a day, since it is filled with exaggerated subliminal.

- please please please use this subliminal (and any other subliminal) with caution. because as all of us know, these make changes to the body, so always think thoroughly about it before listening.

- drink water (yea i know it's so cliche but yes, drinking water does help subliminals work better and faster)

- some people put bad affirmations in their subliminals, so please, try to read through the comments to try to see what that particular sub did to someone (although i know thay most of us already do that, i just want to remind you that scrolling through the comments can help you)

- don't put your volume too loud. subliminals work better if you don't hear the affirmations. but i do guarantee you that i only put appropriate and positive affirmations on this subliminal (although they are a teensy bit exaggerated)

- i also recommend listening to a booster three times before starting any subliminal. i recommend using those boosters with "blockage removers" because they seem to work better (from my experience)

- take a break after every 3-5 listens, and use a booster (with blockage remover) before starting again.

- listen at your own risk

[u can stop reading now if u want, i just wanna put this note here]

yes, i purposely put Home and Paradise here, and if u want feel free to stand outside BigHit building and play this as loud as you can from the biggest speaker you find until these get performed live. I am madly in love with Paradise, and Home is my bitch.

ts'all! good luck on your journey!

songs: -Home (BTS)
-Paradise (BTS)


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