
I Am 63 And My Husband Is 22

I Am 63 And My Husband Is 22 πŸ€ If you would like to get your story animated, send it to this email address -

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Margaret’s story may cause confusion or even surety for most of you. For the past two years, often she hears from people how frivolous she is. She’s 65 and a couple of years ago she married a guy who's 41 year younger.

At first her life was no different from millions of others. She grew up in a good family. She was a curious child and had a great interest in medicine. Playing at being a doctor was her favorite. She could hunt for her cat for hours just to measure his temperature or bandage his paw. Later, in a school camp, she received a massage for the first time. Since then, her cat got many different massages from her and she became very serious about becoming a doctor when she grew up.

It may sound weird, but finally, her dream came true. After 8 long years of studying in medical school, she became a real doctor! Her work took all her time. Margaret literally lived in a tiny office in the rural medical center where she was assigned after her graduation. It was hard, especially at first. She didn't even have her own practice and patients came to see her every day. There were lots of them, since that clinic was the only one for 3 villages. She really had no private life at all.

So, at 30 she impulsively decided to marry a good man. It was not about love, she just thought that she didn’t really have a choice. She needed some human warmth. He was really a good man; positive, diligent, and industrious. He was very talented. From a piece of ordinary wood he could carve a work of art. People ordered his furniture even from the capital city so they never had a lack of money. People thought that they were a perfect married couple.

They soon had a son, who became the center of Margaret’s whole world. As time passed, she became more and more estranged from her husband and spent more and more of her time with her child. Finally she made a decision to divorce him. No, they hadn’t argued. She just didn't want to stay in that place in the middle of nowhere. Her child needed a kindergarten then a good elementary school and not the countryside one with a much lower level of teaching. So she decided to move to the capital.

Though she lived without a man's warmth, she still had her beloved baby. She still had a good job with modern equipment and medicine (especially compared to that country hospital). The lack of true love didn't bother her very much. She had relationships from time to time, but there was no real spark. None of the four men that she tried to have a relationship with started the fire of love within her. Most of them just wanted to be the most important thing and dominate her life. But they could not be the center of her life. That was reserved for her son. That's the reason they all left sooner or later.

Margaret’s youth have come and gone, and suddenly she have reached retirement age. Doctors could take retirement earlier than other government workers, but she waited until she was 55. Finally, she started doing what she didn't have time and strength for earlier in her life. She started massage. It is called “chiropractic” today.

One day she was visited by a young man. John was a retired sportsman because of an injury. He was so young, only 19 years old, even younger than Margaret’s son! But she had goosebumps every time he came to her for a massage. She called herself an old-aged fool and didn't say a word about her feelings for him.

One day, after his massage was over, he came right to her house with a bunch of flowers to thank her for her help with his injury. She laughed, of course. But her legs shook like a schoolgirl’s. He continued to visit her, giving her presents and taking care of her.

Even her son has said to her that he thought that she had a right to be happy and blessed their relationship. That was the decisive moment. And at her age of 63 she married for the second time, this time to 22 years old man.

They have been together now for two years and, of course, they have faced a lot of negativity. The most popular question she’s asked is "Is this your son?". But John reminds her why she wants to wake up each morning. They have their own traditions. She usually wakes up earlier and makes his favorite pancakes. They go out of town a lot and like to attend dances. The age difference, of course, doesn't go away, but as she continues to live with him, she feels younger each day. She would never change partners for anyone else.

Margaret guesses her story will help lots of people understand that love doesn’t count age. If that’s your person, age doesn’t matter at all! Love each other and don’t be ashamed of it.

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