This floor is an Iroko herringbone parquet floor around 50 years old. Iroko is known for having a bad reaction with some finishes as it has salts (calcium) in the grain of the wood.
I start with a rough grit sanding, progress through to fine grits then move to the finishing sander, then filling and then again with the finishing/orbital sanders.
I love this parquet wood flooring! it has such a beautiful colour and grain. It has the iridescent ribbons that can give it such a beautiful 3D appearance.
You may notice that I completely changed direction when sanding with the big machine. This shouldn't be news to those who have read my parquet floor sanding guide. Which can be found here:
I have to apologise for the quality of the video, I will be buying a new camera so I can get 2 shots, both with high-quality cameras.