
Selena Gomez And Great grandfather Bozo Give away Freely 2 Billion USD ! Eph. 9

Selena Gomez And Great  grandfather Bozo Give away Freely 2 Billion USD !  Eph.  9 ( Spiritual Name) Bozo Lambkin /Kern Stone Smith (LegalName)
8911 Florin Road
Sacramento, California 95829
Phone 916-750-5533

My email is

God has called us to build a 2000 Trillion Dollar Grace Dome in 14 years to 20 years to cover ever drop of Living water, and every Bacteria, Fungus, and Parasite in all Living Souls, and Plants on Earth! I slave freely managing Trillion Dollar in Mineral Rights in the Philippines with My Great Grand Son I Love!
I am willing by Grace to freely Slave up to 10 Trillion in Projects over the Next 2 years as long as 50% goes freely to the Body Of Christ that serves with me that are lead by The Spirit Of God to serve Worldwide.

Let us give back and forth freely looking for God's Grace of Double Portion in all we suffer.

CLV Jb 42:10 Then Yahweh Himself turned back the captivity of Job when he prayed on behalf of his associates. And Yahweh added to all that Job had by a double portion.

CLV Jb 42:11 All his brothers and all his sisters came to him and all his acquaintances from before, and they ate bread with him in his house. Then they condoled with him and comforted him over all the evil that Yahweh had brought upon him. Each of them gave to him one kesitah, and each, one pendant of gold.

So has God's Spirit moves you please email, or prefer video how God is Leading you to serve with me all the World.

If you can freely give a dollar in my PayPal account to help me in all I suffered by God's Chastisement of me to humble me to serve His Son Jesus Christ, Please show support so I can seek President Duterte's Blessing to take 500 million USD out of the Country to start Ministry here in America.
I need your prayers and support to do a Billion USD Ministry In Philippines, and $500 Million USD for other parts of World like My Brother in Christ Victor Gulzar at Please Lavishly support him, You tubes with him soon coming!

I am a private partnership with my Great Grandson but need your overwhelming support to persuade President Duterte to take money out of the Philippines.I will prayerfully meet with him in his home like my Great Grandson does regularly for his guidance on our many projects to serve the poor. Like Trash to power, Housing for Poor on Farms, etc.
I look forward to meeting you personally, singing and dancing with you soon in the future. I am available to meet after you clear my security team background check . I have the remnants of Old Presidential Gaurd of President Marcus watching over me so be gentle on them their old Grandparents like me, that want me to serve their grandchildren suffering in the Philippines.
Closing Prayer:

CLV Col 1:9 Therefore we' also, from the day on which we hear, do not |cease~ praying~ forthe sake of you and requesting~ that you may be |filled full with the realization of His *will, in everyall wisdom and spiritual understanding,

CLV Col 1:10 you to walk worthily of the Lord intofor everyall pleasing, bearing fruit in every good work, and growing~ in the realization of *God;

CLV Col 1:11 being endued~ inwith everyall power, in accord with the might of His *glory, intofor everyall endurance and patience with joy;

CLV Col 1:12 at the same time giving thanks to the Father, Who makes you competent intofor a *part of the allotment of the saints, in *light,

CLV Col 1:13 Who rescues~ us out of the jurisdiction of *Darkness, and transports us into the kingdom of the Son of His *love,

CLV Col 1:14 in Whom we are having the deliverance, the pardon of *sins,

CLV Col 1:15 Who is the Image of the invisible *God, Firstborn of every creature,

CLV Col 1:16 thatfor in Him is *all created, *that in the heavens and *that on the earth, the visible and the invisible, whether thrones, or lordships, or sovereignties, or authorities, *all is ocreated~ through Him and intofor Him,

CLV Col 1:17 and He' is before all, and *all has its cohesion in Him.

CLV Col 1:18 And He' is the Head of the body, the ecclesia, Who is *Sovereign, Firstborn outfrom among the dead, that in all He' may be becoming~ |first,

CLV Col 1:19 thatfor in Him the entire complement delights to dwell,

CLV Col 1:20 and through Him to reconcile *all intoto Him (-making peace through the blood of His *cross), through Him, whether *those on the earth or *those in the heavens.

CLV Col 1:21 And you, being once oestranged~ and enemies in *comprehension, inby *wicked *acts, yet now He reconciles

CLV Col 1:22 inby His *body of *flesh, through His *death, to present you holy and flawless and unimpeachable in His sight,
Great grandfather Bozo


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