
Why you may want to bring watermelon to your next picnic:

Why you may want to bring watermelon to your next picnic: CINCINNATI (WKRC) - If you are planning on bringing some food to a picnic or barbecue this summer, you may want to consider bringing along some watermelon.

A new report tells us more about the health benefits of watermelon. Nutrition editors with Web MD say it's the perfect picnic food for a number of reasons.

One of the top reasons to eat watermelon right now has to do with its rich, red color. The substance that makes it red is called lycopene. Studies have shown that's a compound that may help fight cancer, heart disease and other chronic health problems.

Watermelon, it appears, has more lycopene per serving than any other fruit or vegetable, according to this report. That includes tomatoes. Also, the riper the watermelon, the more it contains because the color gets richer, and seedless watermelons also tend to have a higher content of lycopene than those without seeds.

A few other reasons it's the perfect summer picnic food: Watermelon appears to help protect your skin from sunburn, although it's not a substitute for sunscreen. It also has a nutrient called citrulline that may help bring blood pressure down.

Other natural compounds in it appear to protect against joint inflammation and help your eyesight.

Watermelon is 92 percent water, so it's a simple way to stay well hydrated. It's also low in calories -- about 40 in a cup.


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