
How To Reverse Type 2 Diabetes Naturally? Very Useful Tips !

How To Reverse Type 2 Diabetes Naturally? Very Useful Tips ! How To Reverse Type 2 Diabetes Naturally? Very Useful Tips !

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In This article take a look at how to reverse type 2 Diabetes naturally.

Diabetes is one of the most popular diseases affecting people around the world. It is a condition which causes your blood sugar levels to become higher than usual. Diabetes can be categorized into Type 1 and Type Diabetes with the latter being the most common.

What is Type 2 Diabetes?

This is a chronic condition which makes your body fail to use the insulin it produces appropriately. Insulin is responsible for regulating the movement of sugar into your cells. With type 2 diabetes, instead of the body converting sugar into energy, it stores it in the bloodstream.

Why Type 2 Diabetes Occurs

This type of diabetes occurs due to the body cells becoming insulin resistance where they ignore to take sugar from the blood. When there is too much sugar in your bloodstream for a prolonged period, muscle and fat cells will ignore the directions of insulin to take sugar from the blood hence more sugar accumulation in your bloodstream. Under normal condition, your pancreas produces adequate insulin to drive sugar into your cells. However, during the development stage of type 2 diabetes, your cells ignore to take sugar hence the sugar continues to move freely in your bloodstream. This forces the pancreas to produce more insulin to try to maintain the normal sugar levels but fails to keep up with the pace in the long run. The excess sugar in your body is sometimes converted and stored as cholesterol which is why most victims of this diabetes type are overweight. Inactive lifestyle, smoking, poor diets are the main factors associated with the development of this diabetes condition. The disease can also be hereditary. Although the disease can affect a person of any age, people at their early to mid-forties are at higher risk of getting this condition.

What It's Like On A Day To Day Basis For People Living With Diabetes Type 2

People living with type 2 diabetes are most likely to experience increased hunger, fatigue, hand and feet numbness, excessive thirst, and urge to urinate frequently. Blurred vision, weight loss, and slow healing of infections other symptoms that people with diabetes suffer from. These symptoms develop gradually such that some people will not note the change in life and will not even know they are suffering from this condition. This condition is progressive and may result in devastating effects if it is not controlled on time. Over time, high sugar levels in the bloodstream can cause damage to small blood vessels and nerves of the eye, kidneys or worse the heart. Large arteries are at high risk of hardening which can result in heart failure and stroke. Frequent urination may result in excessive loss of water in the body making one to be dehydrated. The kidneys are also forced to work harder which can cause them to fail. In the worst condition, type 2 diabetes can lead to organ failures resulting in amputation. Staying under medication is a struggle people who have Type 2 Diabetes have to endure every day for the rest of their life.

Treatment For Diabetes Type 2

If you, a family member or a friend is diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, you will be glad to know there are some treatment means that can control or even reverse the condition.
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