Skvarna–who surfed his way to 3rd place this year–was part of a fairly large group of surfers at Mexi Log who regularly surf San Onofre State Beach. Along with Noah and Ben Cardoza, Brock Thompson, Wiley Archbold, Hallie Rohr, Karina Rozunko, Kyle Perez, Max Caldwell and Summer Richley, these up-and-coming loggers are already grizzled vets of Mexi Log.
This year the crew decided to extend their stay in the “San O House”(ostensibly whatever house the crew stays in becomes widely known as a kind of unofficial gathering place during the week of the contest) and pack in as much tip-time and hang time as humanly possible. The extra week found the crew from San O doing what they do best: locking into noserides, switching stances, taking off fin-first and generally just having a blast.
Archbold, whose other film credits include the very cool series of short profiles “Beach Freaks”, captured the surf action and the revelry, and put the above edit together. Click play to watch how the San O kids spent their 14 days in Mexico.