
Why Nelson Chamisa Will Not Be Able To Remove ED Mnangagwa Through Protests

Why Nelson Chamisa Will Not Be Able To Remove ED Mnangagwa Through Protests Many MDC Supporters have for a long time looked forward to the day when ZANU PF will be out of government.

It is clear that when that day comes, the economic fortunes of Zimbabwe will improve greatly.

However, despite it being rather obvious, many still cling to the hope of one day Nelson Chamisa becoming President before 2023.

Some MDC supporters actually view the outcome of the current wave of demonstrations as
- The rise of Nelson Chamisa
- The resignation of ED Mnangagwa

Over the past few months, I have explained that the next change in Zimbabwe will be led by the military, not by Nelson Chamisa.

This is because in ZANU PF, it is the higher levels that is afraid being removed and are an obstacle for change.

The Low Level ZANU PF member will easily accept Dialogue with Nelson Chamisa, While the Low Level MDC Supporter will not!

16 August Protests,Nelson Chamisa,ED Mnangagwa,Zimbabwe Political Dialogue,

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