
Cambridge Ethics in Maths. Lecture 8 Part 1|4

Cambridge Ethics in Maths. Lecture 8 Part 1|4 Part of a series of 8 lectures on Ethics in Mathematics, given by Dr Maurice Chiodo in the Faculty of Mathematics at the University of Cambridge, in Michaelmas term 2018.

This is Lecture 8, Part 1 of 4, given on 27 November 2018, titled "Looking into the future, what more can mathematicians do?".

The series addresses a particular class of ethical issues faced by mathematicians, namely, the ways in which their work impacts wider society. There are, of course, other important ethical concerns for mathematicians, from improving diversity and inclusivity, to widening participation, to addressing plagiarism. Those are predominantly issues within the mathematical community, whereas these lectures focus on how the behaviour and actions of mathematicians affect the world at large.

These lectures demonstrate that there are ethical issues that mathematicians alone may face in the course of their work, both in academia and in industry. The objective here is not to provide formulaic or axiomatised solutions to ethical problems, but rather to raise ethical awareness among mathematicians.

These recordings were produced by the Cambridge University Ethics in Mathematics Project. Downloadable versions of the full lectures, and further details, can be found here:

Ethics in Mathematics,EiM,Ethics,Mathematics,Maths,Math,Cambridge,

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