
Taiwan Democratic Progressive Party DPP Corruption

Taiwan Democratic Progressive Party DPP Corruption I thought Najib involving in 1MDB in Malaysia is already bad enough but how the Taiwanese government handling its officials is even worse and preposterous.

When DPP took over KMT to be the ruling party, Chen Shui Bian was released yet many Taiwanese have forgotten how much harm he has done to the people.

The only difference between their cases is Chen Shui-bian DIY everything by himself including legal documents to get public funds while on Najib’s side, he had Jho Low to do all the works for him. What would Xi Jinping do?

DPP use humanity as a reason to cause Taiwanese to believe in Chen Shui-bian to be on a medical parole out of sympathy.

Can Han Kuo-yu save Taiwan?

Chen Chih-chung,Najib Razak,Mahathir,Tsai Ing-Wen,DPP,KMT,Democracy,Politics,Chen Shui-bian,Taiwan,Han Kuo-yu,Xi Jinping,China,

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