On Monday, he posted a video called “I was “cancelled” last year, let’s finally talk about it.” In the video he speaks on how he lost many followers which caused him to shut down, leave social media for 2 months and become bed ridden from depression for about 3 weeks. He states it affected him so much because he was scared of losing what he had spent years building and that he wouldn’t be able to provide for his family. He tweeted before posting the video, “cancel culture is canceled” and in the video, he talks about why it’s so toxic. Lots of his fans and friends are showing up to support him. Even James Charles! After the video was posted, James tweeted, “I am so proud of you for opening up @MannyMua733 lucky to call you a friend” This confused a lot of fans based on their past relationship and James relationship with Jeffree Star. Well, the relationship he once had with him. One fan even tweeted “I thought you hated him” to which James responded, “I disliked him a year ago when I was letting other people’s opinions affect mine, which was wrong and childish. manny’s a great person who has grown a lot”
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→ Credits ←
Yessica Hernandez-Cruz
Produced by Yessica Hernandez-Cruz & Kelsey Banas
Written by Amanda Holland
Edited by Jane Chow
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