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6 Common Side Effects of Intermittent Fasting - Thomas DeLauer
You have to know the side effects if you want to be successful with intermittent fasting. I say this with just my own experience in mind because if you go into it with unrealistic expectations you set yourself up for failure. If you know the fasting side effects you can overlook all the gobbledy goop and you can get through with your fasting and you can have the success, you can have the weight loss, and you can have the potentially even muscle building effects and everything can be successful. I always say with education comes adherence and that's the good stuff and the bad stuff.
The first one that you've probably experienced before is the good old fashioned fasting headache. If I could describe the fasting headache it's in the frontal portion of your head and it's just kind of a low grade, just just kind of just there.
It's not this pulsating one. It's not like the throbbing type of headache. It's kind of a nagging one. Now what ends up going on is reductions in blood glucose to some degree end up altering pain receptors in our brain a little bit. So what that means is that we end up having this misconstrued signal in our brain that makes us feel a little bit of pain that isn't really there.
Now this is a strong one after you break your fast. Because when you're fascinating we all love it because there's no bloating, we don't feel any distension, discomfort. We just feel good.
Most of the things that happen with fastening we just feel great but when you eat then all of a sudden they rear their ugly heads. So what happens is we have pretty significant mucosal atrophy. So in our gut we have a mucosal layer that protects it and when we fast that breaks down because the gut goes through a cleanup process where it regenerates everything.
So that means the short window of time between when you end your fast and you actually eat your gut is actually at its weakest. So you need to gingerly introduce food not literally with ginger but gingerly, you need to delicately introduce food.
You're getting freezing cold during your fast. Other than putting a blanket on I don't know if I have a solution for you but I do have a reason for what's going on and it might make you excited and it might make you embrace being cold a little bit more.
It means you're burning fat. Now, this is somewhat of a theory but it does connect when you start looking at a lot of just the genetics and things like that. We have a pretty interesting thing that happens when we are fasting. We have an up regulation of what's called the MIR 149 gene. Okay, this is, so here's what's happening. We have brown fat and white fat.
Brown fat is our visceral fat but brown fat is the fat that is derived from muscle tissue and it keeps our metabolism going. Brown fat is an okay fat. Brown fat makes it so that we, our metabolism is elevated. White fat is the unsightly fat that has no purpose other being insulative it's just insulates us.
Two very simple explanations for this and honestly nothing to be alarmed at. One is adrenaline. When you're fasting your body's under stress, simple your body's stressed. So if your body thinks you're under stress it's not going to let you sleep because you don't want to get attacked by a tiger, or a lion, or a bear, or a walrus. But if you want to end up being just successful with your fast you need to accept that.
This side effect is kind of a tongue and cheek thing but you're going to lose some weight and you'll probably maintain your muscle. The Journal of Translational Medicine published a study and took a look at 34 resistance trained men, pretty interesting stuff.
For eight weeks, divided them into two groups. Had one group consume meals at 8:00 AM, 12:00 PM, and 8:00 PM. The other group consumed the exact same amount of calories at 1:00 PM, 4:00 PM, and 8:00 PM so same amount of food, same everything except one group ate only in the afternoon and evening, the other group ate all day just split up evenly.
But guess what? They all maintained the same amount of muscle. They didn't lose muscles, neither group. They were on a controlled diet. However, the fasting group lost 16% fat whereas the other group lost 2.8% fat.