
A Spider Has Been Living In My Ear For Years

A Spider Has Been Living In My Ear For Years ★ Thank you for your constant support and engagement! We have received many stories and are working on animating them

★ A PROFESSIONAL Voice Actor will record your story! We do everything to keep your identity private, unless you wish differently!


★ send us your stories at


I lay on the hospital bed, ripping the skin from the side of my nails off as I waited for the examination to be over. It wasn’t exactly the most comfortable thing I’d experienced in my life! I just wanted to know what was wrong with me! Suddenly, I heard a gasp and then a thumping sound, like a body hitting the floor. I couldn’t move because there was a camera in my ear, but I managed to look over the side of the bed to see that it was indeed a body that had hit the floor. The sweet nurse who had brought me water and made sure I was OK, was clearly not OK herself...she was lying on the floor, passed out. I looked at the doctor and she looked like she’d seen a ghost. She was as pale as the nurse, and was gripping onto the bed. She pressed the emergency alarm button and that’s when the panic really hit me...Was this an emergency because of the nurse who’d just fainted...or was it because of me??

I waited a long time before finally giving in and booking a doctor’s appointment. I don’t know if you realise what it’s like to wake up every day with a headache, which as the day goes on just gets progressively worse and worse. I couldn’t take it anymore!!!! Sometimes it was so bad it felt like something was living inside my head…And there were even some strange sounds that I’d constantly a rustling sound...

On the day of our final SAT exams, I was sat in the hall trying to figure out a math equation. The pain was so bad, it actually felt like the big clock on the wall was ticking like a time bomb inside my brain! I took headache tablets everyday to try and get rid of the pain, but I didn’t have any on me. They weren’t allowed in the exam hall. That day was probably the most pain I’d ever been in, but there was nothing I could do! It was the final exam, so I could hardly just walk out. Up until that point, the headaches had been accompanied by this weird, crawling feeling in my left ear. I kept thinking it was water, and I’d tilt my head every time I came out of the shower and try and empty out any leftover water. But the feeling remained. It was pretty itchy and it was always worse whenever I moved. If I stood still or lay down, it wouldn’t feel so strange. That’s why I assumed it was water, or wax. But the headaches...believe me, you’ve never felt anything like it! And that day was the worst one yet! I decided I had to leave the hall because it was either that or I’d throw up everywhere and I would never live that down!!

I got up to leave and I could just make out the door in the distance, but I never reached it. I must have blacked out because the next thing I knew I was sitting in the nurse’s room and she was telling me that I really needed to get help...She was no stranger to my headaches. I was probably her most frequent patient and she even offered to help me contact a specialist about it. I told her it was fine, and I’d get my mom to make the call for me. I stayed there in the nurse’s room for the next few hours, but I knew deep down I had to do something. I couldn’t live like this anymore. It wasn’t normal!! But I was scared...scared that the doctor would tell me I had a brain tumor or some rare disease…

That night I couldn’t get the nurse’s voice out of my head. I realised it was only going to get worse if I didn’t seek proper medical help. So that’s how I found myself lying on the bed in the hospital with an ear nose and throat specialist staring in shock at what she saw on the screen, and a nurse passed out next to me.

“Um, doctor...what’s going on?” I managed to say in a quiet voice.

She stared at me, shock and fear written all across her face.

Nothing...and I mean NOTHING could prepare me for what she told me next. She looked at me and tried to smile in a professional manner. Then she told me what was wrong with me…

There was a spider living inside my ear!!!! Now I’m not one of those people who has a major phobia of spiders or anything, but this news hit me like a ton of bricks. A spider was living in my ear!!!!! I probably would have thought the doctor was joking if it weren’t for the fact that the nurse had properly passed out from shock. At that exact moment, a few other doctors and nurses came running into the room and one of the nurses actually ran straight back out as soon as she saw what was on the screen. She actually screamed! Like seriously! What was wrong with these people? They weren’t even the one with the spider in their ear!!

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