
Mary Elizabeth Sutherland 'How Nature will make a systematic..

Mary Elizabeth Sutherland 'How Nature will make a systematic.. Mary Elizabeth Sutherland is a senior editor where she handles manuscripts in the behavioral sciences. She previously handled manuscripts spanning the same general disciplines and topics at Nature Human Behaviour, as a senior editor, and at Nature Communications, as an associate editor. Prior to her editorial career, Mary Elizabeth obtained a PhD in cognitive neuropsychology from McGill University, where she worked in auditory cognitive neuroscience with Dr. Robert Zatorre. She continued her training both at the Max Planck Institute for Human and Cognitive Brain Sciences in Leipzig and at the Catholic University, in Santiago Chile. She was briefly a professor at this latter institute, in a new position that the university created to span the medical and social sciences, before she realized that she would be a better editor than researcher and moved back to New York to take the editorial position at Nature Communications.

mary elizabeth sutherland,nature,network science institute,social science,

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