
Review of Technique Mastery (from the Piano Superhuman course)

Review of Technique Mastery (from the Piano Superhuman course) Get the course here:

Full Review:
"Hi my name is Charlie Miller, I'm in
Zach's best piano class. It's very very
great for me. A word about myself and
a word about my appreciation of the
class... I was a trumpet player all my life,
professionally. I worked in New York City,
I worked, I did the Broadway shows I
played in the studios, I've worked at
Carnegie Hall quite a few times with
various groups. One time with in the
orchestra would Victor Borge, the
comedian piano player. Various things. I did one
rehearsal there with Stokowski Orchestra
American symphony. I played in a lot of
jazz and Latino, some of the best latin
bands in the world, and I worked with
some of the best jazz players. I did a
one Carnegie Hall concert with Thelonious Monk's
band. So, so that's me. I had
to quit playing the trumpet in recent
years because of a physical reason, so in
order to have music in my life I decided
I would practice piano learn what I
could and continue doing whatever I could
on the piano. At my age I'm
doing what a child would do, you know
just do the basics and learn how to get
the basics that's basically what I need.
I know a lot of theory I know a thousand
songs I don't need all that. But I need
to be able to get around the piano, feel
that I belong there at the piano, and
get around fluently on the instrument. So
Zachary's class has been perfect for me,
it was a perfect find, it came along at
the perfect time in my life, the best
piano class what an app, what a great
name for this. So most people had
those scales and arpeggios, most of
good piano players when they were very
very young. I didn't have that. So I
just did the technique, the advanced
technique part, I did all the technique
that he has, and I practice it a long
long time every day, carefully, very
slowly, and I have some little jobs that
I do on the piano and restaurants, and
every time I go do one of those I would
see the improvement. Very marked
improvement. So it's perfect, it works
perfectly, I just really want to
congratulate Zachary for
just how great he communicates
everything about the class,
and what a great gradient it's on. Anyone
at any level could learn from this.
People could start as a rank beginner or
as a seasoned professional and get
something out of this. It's very very
great, I just want to congratulate Zach
was putting get together this class, I
think it's perfect,
and I've gotten so much from it. I'm
taking a little hiatus from it right now
I intend to get back to it and I'll go
into some of the other areas other than
technique,I forgot what they're called
But thank
you Zachary for doing this. It's
wonderful the way that you communicate
this stuff, it's very very clear with the
videos and the various ways that you
have communicating, and it's very very
clear. And it's exactly what I needed and
what I still need actually, so thank
you that's all I can say is I'm very
appreciative to find the best piano
class. Over and out bye-bye"

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