

THEY ARE FOLLOWING THE KUNDALINI SPIRIT! MUST WATCH AND SHARE!! Do not join with those who tear Gods children down. There is serious consequences when you mistreat Gods chosen vessel. Be careful who you subscribe and agree with.

If you are not subscribe to these channel praise Jesus Christ and dont go on their channels. If you are subscribe to them please unsubscribe with urgency!!

1. I want to apologise to those who have subscribe to fake **Pastor Moses Maloney** channel who I recommend back in July 2019. He is demonic and is not a born again Christian. His swears and curse. Do not part take of his stupid wannabe comedian videos. Please get away and unsubscribe from his channel.

2. **GOOSE 777** This man is obsess with this channel and he is driven by satan. He is 100% demonic and operators underneath the false light. Please unsubscribe from him before it's too late. Judgement is coming because God sees what they are doing.

3. **Chelley Hall** She is not a witch but operates under the spirit of double mind, double tongue and instability. She supports witches and the demonics even though she knows they are wrong. This woman is influence by demons...stay away from her.

4. **Fruit of the testimonies of God** 100% bonify heavily demonic Jezebel witch who goes around on YouTube an attack the true watchman on the wall. She has bullied a 14 year old boy to tears.... how wicked!!. Here is 3 vids of her with her evil antics behaviour. Please unsubscribe from her get away asap!!.. She goes by several names including "Joy Abundant" aka Alison Thomas Here is a vid of her bullying a 14 year old listen to this woman!!

5. **Messianic Temple** African voodoo witch! Who also goes by the name of Gloria Archbishop!! claims she has been through all my videos and each one is a lie.

Please subscribe to the channel and support it. God bless 馃檹.

~~You must never feel burden or pressure to give into any ministry. Your giving should only led by the HOLY SPIRIT.~



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