
🔥EXTREME!!!🔥10 Minute Weight Loss Subconscious Programming Subliminal Affirmations Hypnotherapy

🔥EXTREME!!!🔥10 Minute Weight Loss Subconscious Programming Subliminal Affirmations Hypnotherapy Unique 10 minute extreme weight loss subconscious programming for fast results! 70 weight loss affirmations repeated 10 times! Subliminal hypnotherapy that will cause your mind to make your body lose weight fast. Listen to it multiple times every day for best results.

Affirmations include:

1. I am thin.
2. I am always losing weight.
3. I am burning calories.
4. My metabolism is fast.
5. I am able to eat what ever I want and still lose weight.
6. I am able to eat whatever I want and stay thin.
7. My body is efficient.
8. I am always burning off fat
9. I am skinny.
10. I am grateful I can eat whatever I want and still lose weight.
11. I am always burning calories.
12. I am grateful to be thin.
13. I love that I am able to eat whatever I want and stay thin.
14. My waist is small.
15. I am losing weight right now.
16. I burn off fat even when I am sleeping.
17. I love being thin.
18. My metabolism is always converting fat into energy.
19. I am able to feel myself losing weight every moment of the day.
20. I love being physically fit.
21. Losing weight comes easily and naturally to me.
22. I easily lose weight fast.
23. I am getting slimmer each and every day.
24. I love my body.
25. I have a flat stomach.
26. I am physically fit.
27. My body is constantly burning off fat.
28. Everything I eat is converted to energy.
29. I am so excited to be and remain thin.
30. My metabolism is extremely efficient.
31. I am so happy that I always lose excess weight.
32. I am burning calories every second of the day.
33. I am burning off excess fat right now.
34. My muscles help me to burn off excess fat.
35. I am the master of my own body.
36. My will is extremely strong.
37. My affirmations always work for me.
38. I am achieving and maintaining my ideal weight.
39. I am always energetic.
40. I am a strong person.
41. I am a thin person.
42. I am happy to be skinny.
43. I love my washboard stomach.
44. I love how physically fit my body is.
45. My body performs like a well oiled machine.
46. Burning off excess fat is easy for me.
47. I am so thin and I look great.
48. I always feel great.
49. My metabolism is extremely strong.
50. I love being my ideal weight.
51. I am commanding my body to lose excess weight fast.
52. My body is always working for me to be physically fit.
53. My mind is powerful.
54. All the muscles in my stomach are clearly visible.
55. Staying thin is easy for me.
56. I am able to feel myself becoming physically fit.
57. I am excited to be physically fit.
58. My metabolism is so strong and super efficient.
59. I naturally turn everything I eat into energy.
60. I am always able to easily burn off everything I eat.
61. I am healthy and always feel great.
62. My body is always repairing itself.
63. Every cell in my body is healthy and efficient.
64. I am extremely confident my body burns off all excess fat naturally and easily.
65. I always make healthy eating choices.
66. It is easy for me to eat healthy.
67. I choose healthy foods.
68. I love to eat foods which are good for me.
69. My body is a temple.
70. I am grateful to be healthy.

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