
Drink A Glass Of Kiwi Juice Every Morning, THIS Will Happen To Your Body!

Drink A Glass Of Kiwi Juice Every Morning, THIS Will Happen To Your Body! Follow us on Twitter: @foods4health1


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Kiwi is well know for its pleasant taste and is consumed all around the world. What you may not be aware of is that kiwi juice is one of the most nutrient dense drinks available and can provide many different health benefits for those who consume it. Making your own fresh kiwi juice at home is incredibly simple. Just wash one to two kiwis and remove the pulp from the fruit. Add the pulp and seeds of the kiwi to a blender and blend for a couple of seconds until the fruit is smooth and the seeds are visible. Then simply add it to a glass and consume. Now, lets discuss some of the incredible health benefits of consuming kiwi juice regularly.

1. First, kiwi is packed with a number of important vitamins, minerals and nutrients that are important for our overall health. Kiwi juice is a great source of vitamin C and vitamin K, as well as potassium, copper, vitamin E and folate among many others. Also, kiwi juice is an incredible source of dietary fibre, with just one cup of kiwi having over 5 grams of fibre, as well as many different antioxidants.

2. Due to the very high levels of dietary fibre in kiwi juice, it can help to promote proper digestion and increase the functionality of the digestive system overall. In fact, kiwi juice is know as a great choice for proper digestion and reducing digestive related ailments. In addition to its good levels of fibre, kiwi juice contains an important proteolytic enzyme that can help to breakdown protein and increase nutrient uptake.

3. Regular consumption of kiwi juice is also incredibly heart healthy, and can help to reduce the risk of developing heart disease a number of important ways. Studies have shown that the unique and potent bioactive substances in kiwi and kiwi juice can help to lower and regulate blood pressure levels. The good levels of potassium in kiwi juice is also helpful in this regard while the high levels of antioxidants can reduce free radicals that can damage the cardiovascular system.

4. Surprising to some, but consuming kiwi juice can also help to promote the overall health of our eyes and prevent vision impairment, especially as we get older. Kiwi juice is a great source of two very eye healthy nutrients known as lutein and zeaxanthin, which can promote eye health. The tremendous amounts of vitamin C in kiwi juice can also promote the health of our eyes. Importantly, this allows kiwi juice to help reduce the risk of developing macular degeneration.

5. Lastly, by consuming kiwi juice regularly, it can help to naturally boost our immune system and fight against common cold and flu symptoms. This is often attributed to the incredibly high levels of vitamin C found in kiwi juice, as well as its other great source of nutrients. Vitamin C is vital for overall immune system health. It can help to support immune system functioning. The powerful and potent antioxidants in kiwi juice are also helpful in this regard.

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DISCLAIMER: This video is for educational and informational purposes only. While we have tried to ensure that the information is sound and accurate, we cannot guarantee its accuracy. The information in this video should not be substituted for professional medical advice and opinions. If you are experiencing any ailments, serious or otherwise, always seek professional medical treatment and advice.

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