

GET MORE PLEASURE IN YOUR LIFE - 3 Ways to Increase PLEASURE Hello explorers. Thank you for stopping in!

I am Lianna Walden, Founder of Sexfullness and Shameless Pleasure.

I guide people in “Sexfullness”, meaning you living a consciously pleasurable life by creating a healthy and vibrant relationship with your body and your sexuality.

Why do we not allow ourselves pleasure?

Are you saying YES to pleasure in your life?

One reason hindering us from enjoying more pleasure is because we default our sense of pleasure to the sense of pain. And by pain I mean in a physical sense, genital for sure but also pain and aches in the body, and mental pain, like blocking, fear, anger, intimidation, joylessness, unworthiness to name a few.

Neuroscientist Barry R. Komisaruk from Rutgers University - having done research with women for years states “There are intriguing connections between pleasure and pain in the brain that we do not yet understand, but we are working on it,”

We know this is the sexual community within BDSM there is a direct practice of pain and pleasure which are heavily intertwined.

Allowing yourself pleasure is a mindset.

Yes it is all about how you perceive and decide to choose your experience.

Now you may have a past trauma, in a deeper energetic level, which is blocking your ability to have pleasure, and that needs to be addressed. Please come and talk to me.

Many of us have the pains running through our body and/ or our psyche.

We can focus on them, complain about them, sedate them, even make our story about them.

This usually does not help relieve them, it can actually make the pains worse.

However we are comfortable here, in the pain. We are less comfortable in the pleasure.

We are taught that pleasure is something that needs to be earned, that too much pleasure is a sin. We are rarely instructed as to how to allow pleasure in or how to increase pleasure within our lives.

I am going to offer three things you can do right now, at a more conscious energetic level, that can start shifting the default from the the pain to pleasure.

Consciously choose Pleasure – “I choose pleasure over pain.”

I am a big user of mantras to help in the mental shifting process. Whenever you hear yourself defaulting to the pain, go into a mantra that will help you begin to see and feel it as pleasure.

Life can be much more fun.

Experiences can be seen and understood in a more curious way, joyful way.

The physical pain can become a more pleasure sensation.

Fearful situations can turn into adventure filled experiences.

Open Your Sense of SMELL

Focus on your sense of smell. Smell can be incredibly pleasurable. Find something that smells amazing and go into it. Absorb it into your body, into every cell and get lost in the pleasure of the smell.

Maybe you can smell a beautiful flower or some fresh bread cooking or the skin of your lover. Or maybe you can just sit there and open to the smells around you, enjoying how they make you feel in this moment. Smell can be so powerful that some smells can create orgasmic effects in the body.

This is also an organ heightened during sex, so use it fully.

Soften Your Body

When you go into a state of softness within your body, you access a level of relaxation and you can then give room for choosing pleasure.

For example, right now, tell yourself to soften your body. Feel all your limbs and energy just release a little. Let our eyes soften as well and let your lips move into a soft smile. Now sway ever so gently in movement. When you do this your body takes on a whole new energetic feel.

It feels lighter. Feel the sensations on your skin and say “I choose pleasurable sensations'.

I love this exercise because you can do it any time and anywhere and it will help you open to allowing pleasure in.

So what I am suggesting is to begin to shift the energy more towards that of pleasure instead of choosing and sitting in pain.

When you consciously focus on pleasure and you then have pleasure, you forget about the pain.

Pleasure will and does supersede the pain.

As you increase pleasure in your being, your body will feel lighter and younger. Your day will flow easier. Your connection to others will be more pleasant and loving. You will be in a much better energetic place for exploring sexually.


Until next time. Much Love Making

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Much Love-Making


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