
It starts. Australia Day 2020 restore Law & Order Australia. The Constitution 1901

It starts. Australia Day 2020 restore Law & Order Australia. The Constitution 1901 This Australia day is day 1 on returning our country back to Common Law & the Constitution, these corporate criminal party hacks are going to pay for their crimes against our country, our Constitution our wildlife & our people. Enough is Enough. IT STARTS AUSTRALIA PEOPLE MAKE AN EFFORT stop CONSENTING, use YOUR CONSTITUITON Section 100 is a good place to start especially for FARMERS... OBEY THE LAW your CONSTITUTION not these snake oil legalese frauds, they are criminals, ignore them obey the Constituion and watch them RUN.
1: Download your free Constitution here:
2: Stop paying their UNLAWFUL UNCONSTITUTIONAL FINES: They are full of bluff & bullshit.

3: Stop paying water rates to the Rothschild's who "own" most water companies that were once public utilities OWNED BY YOU. Tell them simple copy & paste below. Ask them if they know of any lawful change to the Constitution they can provide to you. Give the morons 28 days to reply. THEY CANNOT, Farmers start using your Constitutional rights you will win every-time.
Section 100 of the Constitution.:The Commonwealth shall NOT BY ANY LAW, or REGULATION of TRADE or COMMERCE , ABRIDGE THE RIGHT of a STATE or of THE RESIDENTS to the REASONABLE USE OF WATERS of RIVERS for CONSERVATION or IRRIGATION... Do not sign any contract with Corporate Government, if you do put V.C. before your signature it means under DURESS. Null & VOID.
Also another good site with great information to win against these corporate government legalese losers, stop taking them seriously they are A Grade idiots.

Your heartlands Rivers, lakes and floodplains are linked in the survival of the whole river ecosystem of the Murray Darling Barka Basin. Science has been silenced or threatened by the greed of corporates and the ineptitude of politicians without integrity , who crave power above their own children’s and countries future. While the Bushfires have rightly grabbed the headlines, we must never forget the corruption that has killed out rivers and lakes over the last decade, have been clinically and deliberately undertaken by both state and federal governments . The MDBA total disregard for the river systems and it’s future must be exposed and the police must eventually investigate. The floodplains are not an opportunity to destroy for short term profit but an intergal part of the living heart of the river systems . We need the facts to be exposed as they had been thru the SA royal commission , but with the major TV press deliberately silenced to the carnage it is thru social media we must alert the whole Australian public to the criminal activity condoned by both federal and state government leading to the disasters on the river system. As rains have started to return to the system, we must always alert the public that the drought did not kill the rivers and Menindee lakes but wholesale corruption within successive governments, as Australia has never seen. We must continue to fight for justice and have the criminals exposed and face justice for the destruction of the Darling Barka River System.
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Wayne Glew
24 Hagan Road Glenfield
Geraldton WA 6532
$150 plus postage $20

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