
We are systematically helping to remove stuttering from speech | Before and after 1 month

We are systematically helping to remove stuttering from speech | Before and after 1 month TO BE ABLE TO SPEAK FULLY YOU NEED TO FOLLOW THESE RULES

1. First it`s important to find out the pattern of symptoms which doesn’t allow a man to speak without stuttering. It is connected with the subconscious inability to say something without stuttering, smoothly. When a man in his head imagines that he can`t pronounce a word (or words) correctly, he builds a block by himself. Trying desperately to find a way out, he tries to “push” the complex sound out and excessively strain the muscles of the speech organs (and other muscles in the body). Some can twitch or nod their head while others can bite their tongue, and so on. But this is the way how a person begins to stutter, and he does it through his own efforts.
In this case, first of all, it is necessary to understand that stuttering is a healthy pattern. There are causes and there are consequences. And it means that to eliminate stuttering everything you need is to understand this very cause and to get rid of it. It`s necessary to explain to a man who suffers from speech problems, that nobody is rushing him, nobody is waiting for his immediate response. We create stressful situations by ourselves. We can overcome them. And we can choose the way of communication which is comfortable for us. Remember, any stutter can calmly talk to himself without stuttering and feeling uncomfortable.

2. Then, when the nature of the problem is identified, we should start working on ways to resolve it. A man should imagine a word in his mind without making speech or intonation mistake. And after that he should say this word correctly. To achieve the result, it is important to understand, right down to details, the way of pronunciation which is used by those people who don`t stutter. You should be able to set priorities and use them in practice. In difficult situations, when the stutterer has a stupor, it is necessary to effectively use pauses which will help you to figure out what to do. This stage takes a lot of time, but the success of stuttering elimination depends on the assimilation this technique and its application in practice.

3. Also you should understand what you need to do to eliminate mistakes and emotional discomfort when you speak. The basis of good speech is your confidence that you are able to speak the right way, without stuttering. You should just speak, don’t think about the techniques, which help you to get rid of your speech defects (otherwise, you’ll just fixate on it). Our brains are wired so that in a moment we can either think or speak. If you try to do both at the same time, you will necessarily have a stupor. That’s why it’s very important to learn to control unconsciously your speech organs.
In general, it can seem to you that finding the solutions to this problem is very difficult process. But it’s not true, if a qualified specialist works with you. A practitioner, who professionally diagnoses your problem, will develop a plan to address your challenges. This plan will be understandable for you. And it will consider your individual needs and your level of education. At the same time, at each stage you will be able to feel good outcomes from different techniques primarily aimed at free speech and the well-being in the process of speaking. In addition, you should definitely have the opportunity of cost-free second treatment, in case if something goes wrong and you are not able (in your opinion) to speak freely without the efforts. Not a lot of speech therapists/performers/tutors/speech psychotherapists provide such conditions. But if they do, it means that a very effective work will be organized. And during it you will be offered all tools and techniques, which are necessary for normal speech (including the techniques which allow you not to think of any techniques at the moment of speech, naturally focusing your attention on it). In any case, during the training sessions of stuttering elimination, you need to feel that any speech is not very hard for you. And at the same time you should feel quite natural and comfortable!

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With the wishes of a successful and stable overcoming of stuttering, Alexander Degilevich.

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