
GS Shop, Hyundai Motor temporarily winding up business activity due to novel coronavirus outbreak

GS Shop, Hyundai Motor temporarily winding up business activity due to novel coronavirus outbreak 코로나바이러스 여파로 GS홈쇼핑 직장 폐쇄...현대차도 오늘부터 전면 휴업

The local TV home-shopping channel, GS SHOP, where a newly confirmed patient has been working has decided to go off-air until Saturday morning.
This is the first complete temporary shutdown of a company in South Korea due to the coronavirus.
The outbreak has also prompted Hyundai Motor to temporarily shut down almost all of its domestic production facilities.
This is because 'Wiring Harness,' which is part of a vehicle's nerve network,... cannot be produced or shipped from China due to the outbreak.
Hyundai says it plans to reopen all its lines from next Wednesday,... but if they can't get the supplies from China, they will stay closed.

#coronavirus #GS #Hyundai

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