
7 BEST Exercises For a BIGGER CHEST!

7 BEST Exercises For a BIGGER CHEST! These 7 awesome exercises will help you get a bigger, stronger, and more muscular chest fast. If you're wondering how to get solid pecs & how to better target the upper and lower chest this video is for you. By consistently practicing these exercises you'll develop a better chest size, shape, and definition. 

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As long as your chest is bigger than your gut then you're still in good shape....... obviously I'm joking, but you may have heard from one of your friends or on a muscle-building forum online. And even though there's a lot more to being in good shape than just having nice pecs, the chest is one of the most noticeable muscle groups regardless of what you're wearing and it's one of the first things that people will subconsciously pay attention to when you walk through the door. Studies show that women are initially more attracted to men with a lower waist to chest ratio (1) and if you have big prominent chest you'll give off a vibe, that makes you look stronger, healthier, and more confident. And having strong pecs goes a lot further than just enhancing your appearance. All throwing, swinging, and pushing movements are directly dependent on your chest and shoulder strength. So training your chest will help you be more efficient at many things including simply getting up off the floor, pushing a stalled car, or even playing sports like baseball. And To give you the best results not only will I be going over some common as well as not so common chest exercises that you may have never seen before so you'll definitely want to stick around for those. But by far the number one exercise for a bigger stronger chest is the bench press. You can perform the bench press on a flat incline or decline surface. But for this demonstration, I want to start with the incline bench press. The incline will focus more on your upper chest. To set this up you'll want to lay directly under the barbell and grab an overhand grip that's a few inches wider than shoulder-width. I like to set my hands about thumbs distance from where the gnarling starts. Before unracking the bar you'll also want to retract your shoulder blades by pulling them back together and you'll want to arch your back, but you don't want to arch so much that your hips rise up off the bench as this can lead to a lower back or a neck injury. After getting into position you'll want to unrack the bar and hold it directly over your chest, then lower the bar down to your sternum while maintaining about a 45 to 75-degree angle between your elbows and your body. After bringing the barbell down to your chest drive through your legs, and press back up to the starting position. Then repeat for reps. Now a lot of people wonder how low you should go on the bench press, more specifically if you should touch your chest on every rep or if you should stop before the bar touches your chest. And the answer is that it depends. If you have no problems going all the way down to your chest then you can do that, but if you're one of the many people that feel discomfort in their shoulders when they bench press then you're much better off stopping about 1 to 3 inches above your chest before returning the bar to the starting position. Also keep in mind that this exercise can be done on a decline and flat angle as well. With the decline you would be aiming to bring the barbell a little lower right under your chest trying to touch your upper abs with the bar, and for the decline you'll be targeting more of your lower pecs. With flat bench press you would target both the upper and lower chest more evenly. All 3 can be effective depending on what you're trying to do, and if you want to build a bigger chest upping your weight and lifting heavy on the bench press is a must. Let's move on to a not so common chest exercise that primarily targets the upper chest. The landmine chest press. Now this exercise can be amazing, but the way you set it up is what will determine if it is effective or not. Most people will load the barbell up on the ground, and the problem with that is in order to lift the weight off the ground you'll have to rely mostly on your biceps which will require you to use a much lighter weight than you actually could push with your chest, shoulders, and triceps. So to avoid this you'll want to start with the barbell elevated off the ground by propping one end up on top of a platform or a sturdy bench. Then you would kneel down, and grab the bar with your hands clasped around it in a prayer position. You'll want to be leaning slightly forward towards the barbell with the bar under your chin, and you'll want to stick your chest out while keeping your shoulder blades retracted and tight together. Then press the bar up until your arms are fully extended, and return back under your chin, and repeat for reps....

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